
Installation on Mac OS X


This page lists some things which need to be installed before compiling Object Icon on Mac OS X. Afterwards, just proceed in the usual way as for other Unix systems, but note the comment below about using “gmake” instead of “make”.


At the terminal, type gcc. A dialog box should appear. Click “Install”. This should install gcc and make.

Build software

The other software required for compilation can easily be installed with “homebrew”; see

After installation of “brew”, proceed as follows :-

brew install autoconf
brew install make
brew install pkg-config

Note that Mac OS X comes with an ancient version of GNU make, dating from 2006. The installation above providees a newer version named “gmake” to distinguish it from the builtin one. Please remember to use gmake when compiling Object Icon, rather than make.


This is optional, but is required if you wish the graphics facilities to be compiled.

Download the latest .dmg file from

Open this file, and then open and install the contained XQuartz pkg file.

This should result in X11 being installed, mostly under the /opt/X11 and /usr/X11 directories.

Note that, at the time of writing, the current version (2.8.1), suffers from a bug which makes drawing very slow. Hopefully this bug will be fixed in the next version (see for more).

Optional software

Homebrew can also be used to enable compilation of some optional features :-

brew install jpeg
brew install zlib
brew install openssl@1.1

Note that libpng is included with XQuartz.


Before running configure, this environment variable must be set, if either XQuartz or openssl are desired :-

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11/share/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig