The examples/ directory contains some example programs, some of which are quite useful. Binaries can be found in the examples/bin directory.
Here are some notes about the more interesting ones.
colors Interactively choose a colour in RGB/HLS format
cursors Show all available mouse cursors
dndtest Demonstrate tree/list drag and drop, and in-place editing
editor A simple text editor
explorer A simple file-system explorer
fonttest Explore available fonts
geturl A very useful command-line program for retrieving files over http (rather like wget). Run geturl -? for options.
lslinks List the HTML links in a web page.
stock A stock-ticker program. Enter a ticker symbol in the text field and press return, or a company name and select from the drop-down suggestions. Right-click on the ticker symbol to delete it.
suggest A tongue-in-cheek demo of the SuggestField class, which is a TextField with a popup list offering suggestions.
browser A simple web browser, built upon the classes in the ipl.browser package, which can render HTML documents.
flowterm A terminal emulator with a difference - see this page for details
bus A program to browse a map of the London bus network -see this page for details
ttexplorer Like explorer above, but uses a TreeTable
lsxdg A useful program to query the xdg database, as seen by the classes in the xdg package; see also this page.
In the apps directory
The apps/ directory contains some more programs, related specifically to the language. Binaries are found in the main bin directory.
memorytracker Run an object icon program and show its memory usage (try memorytracker ivib)
memdebug A program to examine another program’s memory, and check for memory leaks -see this page for details
ieval A program to interactively evaluate expressions - see this page for details.
oidoc A program to generate documentation from source files - see this page for details.
fiximports This useful program takes one or more source files, and rewrites them so that import declarations such as
import io
are replaced by a declaration with the imported symbols listed explicitly; for example :-
import io(Stream, StringStream)
If you don’t wish to rewrite the file, use the -c option; this outputs the result to stdout, leaving the source file unchanged.
ivib An interactive gui designer; see the documentation on the gui package for more details.